CoronaResponse > Advocacy and Policy

Advocacy and Policy


With a long and rich history of working with grassroots organisations and marginalised communities, TISS advocates for the most vulnerable groups in society and offers policy suggestions to the State

Policy Briefs

Faculty members, in collaboration with civil society organisations and a network of local groups, continue to respond to the crisis and have reached out to government institutions with suggestions and also with a willingness to help operationalise many of the recommendations.

Inclusion of the Urban poor

The urban poor constitute a sizeable proportion of the urban population and the scale of measures needs to match its numbers and diversity. On 6th April, 2020, a need for guidelines was emphasized and a letter sent to the NDMA with suggestions. The NDMA found the recommendations useful and shared the TISS notes with state governments.

Measures for the Urban Homeless

The lockdown created enormous hardships for the homeless in metro cities. A note offering suggestions on ensuring access to food, food grains, health care, and sanitation and other essential services was also submitted to the NDMA. This note was prepared by TANDA, a field action project of TISS that works with the homeless in Mumbai. The suggestions were noted and also widely shared by the NDMA with state

Policing in A Pandemic 

Mental Health in Wake of Covid-19: Existing Initiatives and Recommendations

Navigating to Normal: A Responsive Lockdown Exit Strategy

Transport Grid for  Migrants’ Mobility Concerns

Policy Tracker

  • State Policies/Initiatives
  • Civil Society
  • Corporate Response
  • International Response

The series documents the policy response of union and state government to address concerns arising due to Covid-19

The series documents the response of diverse institutions in the domain of civil society as well the initiatives of the citizenry to address the problems emerging due to Covid-19.

The series documents the response of Indian business houses (including international firms having Indian subsidiaries) to Covid-19 in terms of measures taken for its employees, stakeholders and wide community.

The series documents the response of various countries to Covid-19 through their monetary and fiscal policies and social welfare measures.

Maps and Resources

  • Mapping Resources
  • Resources for Advocacy
The Essential Services Directory consists of a series of maps or layers. Each one maps a different essential service on an interactive and easy-to-use Google My Maps platform. Different layers that have been mapped include Temporary Shelter Homes, Shiv Bhojan Kendras serving Rs 5 thalis, Jan Aushadhis where cheap medicines are available, Ration Shops and Food Distribution Centres where cooked food is distributed. Lists have been obtained from official sources and ground truthing done before creating the maps. In the longer term, these maps will contribute to building a ward-level spatial information system that highlights intersectional and graded vulnerabilities of geography, morbidity and environmental health. This can inform ward-level officials in addressing public health crises. This track is being done in collaboration with the TISS M Ward Project and other civil society organisations in the ward. This is the COVID 19_ Essential Services Directory: This is the sixth layer in a Directory of Essential Services made by TISS as part of its response to combating the Covid-19 virus. It shows locations of all food distribution centres in Mumbai where the MCGM is distributing cooked food. This food is available for different vulnerable groups, including those who don't have ration cards. This list was last updated on 18th April 2020. #TISSCOVID19Response The Team:  consists of Lalitha Kamath (faculty lead), 4 mappers (Aradhana Paralikar, Avinash Bons Kaur, Sanjana Krishnan and Purva Dewoolkar and a team of volunteers. Map Production: Centre for Urban Policy and Governance, TISS, along with the M Ward Project and other civil society partners Source: The data has been sourced from the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) with civil society support

Coming soon...




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Editorial Team: Amita Bhide, Anjali Monteiro, Janki Andharia

Editorial Support and Newsletter: Anusha Ramanathan

Content Editor: Aparna Srivastava

Content coordinators/contributors: Vijay Raghavan, Aparna Joshi, Nilesh Gawde, Aseem Prakash, Rajni Konanthambigi, Faiz Ullah, Asha Banu Soletti, Ratoola Kundu, Lalitha Kamath, Chetna Duggal, Jacquleen Joseph, Lavanya Arvind, Sabah Khan, Trupti Panchal, staff of M-Ward project, Prayas, Tanda, Koshish, Special cell, and all other interventions/Field Action Projects of TISS

Wireframe and Design Inputs: K.P. Jayasankar`

IT Support: Sivakumar V and staff of TISS Computer Centre

Web Development: Dot Solutions